1. When and where was the 1st Inner Wheel Club formed in India?
Ans: In the year 1955 at Ahmedabad.
2. How many IIW Presidents were elected from India and who are they?
Ans: We have had 6 IIW Presidents from India. They are Mrs. Minna Kapur, Mrs Anitha Aggarwal, Mrs Kamala Ramakrishnan, Mrs Pallavi Shah, Mrs Abha Gupta &Mrs. Kapila Gupta.
3. What are the various levels at which our organization functions?
Ans: At the IIW, at the Association, at the District and at the Club level.
4. How often is an IIW Convention held?
Ans: It is held once in 3 years.
5. How often is a Triennial Conference held?
Ans: It is held once in every 3 years.
6. How often should a Club hold their meeting?
Ans: Once a month.
7. What is the quorum required to organize a General Body meeting of the Club?
Ans: 20% of the members of the Club form the quorum for the meeting.
8. What is the quorum needed to hold an EC meeting?
Ans: 4 members.
9. How many General Body meetings to be held in a year?
Ans: At least 10 with one in the month of June.
10. Who presides over the Club meeting?
Ans: The President.
11. What is the minimum number of active members required to form a new Club?
Ans: 10.
12. Who are the voting delegates of the Club?
Ans: President &Secretary.
13. What are the 3 main District events organized during an Inner Wheel year?
Ans: District Assembly, District Rally &District Conference.
14. What are the 2 books that every Club needs to possess?
Ans: Every Club should possess the latest copies of the IIW constitution book {Blue book} and the Association Bye Laws Book {Green book}
15. How many Reports do the Clubs need to send to the District?
Ans: 2 Half yearly Reports. One in the month of Nov and the other in the month of February.
16. How many minutes book does the Secretary need to maintain?
Ans: 2, One for the Regular meeting and the other for the Executive committee meeting.
17. What is the expansion of COTS?
Ans: Club Officer’s Training Seminar.
18. When does the Inner Wheel begin and end?
Ans: Begins on 1st of July and ends on the 30th of June.
19. How many A/Cs should a Club maintain?
Ans: Club A/C and Charity A/C.
20. What does ISO stand for?
Ans: International Service Organiser.
21. How many Reports does the ISO need to send to the District?
Ans: 2 half yearly Reports to the District ISO, Chairman &Group CGR.
22. When is International Inner Wheel day celebrated?
Ans: On 10thJanuary every year.
23. Who receives the Association Ballot papers?
Ans: The Club President receives it around the month of September.
24. Who receives the IIW Ballot papers?
Ans: The Club Secretary receives the IIW ballot papers during the month of Dec.
25. What is club Memo form?
Ans: Club Memo form is sent by the Chairman to the Club President before her visit to the Club. The President is required to fill it up and send it to the Chairman at least a fortnight before her arrival to the Club.
26. Who are the Signatories for the cheque at the Club level?
Ans: The treasurer has to sign jointly with the President or the Secretary.
27. Who is a CGR?
Ans: CGR is Chairman’s Group Representative who is also known as zonal Co- ordinator in some Districts.
28. What is the usual schedule of the Chairman during her visit to the Clubs?
Ans: Her schedule starts with project visits followed by the Club Assembly and finally a Regular Meeting of the Club. This can be altered depending upon the requirement of the Club.
29. What are the different categories of members that exist in our organization?
There are 3 categories of members. They are Active Members, Honored Active Members and Honorary Members.
This is a form which the ruling Secretary receives from the IIW along with the IIW ballot papers.She is supposed to fill it up with the name, address and other details of the incoming Club Secretary and send it to the District Secretary at the earliest.