Opportunity to serve.

 -- By joining this International Women’s Organization we get an opportunityto repay society, to care for those less fortunate. We visit those places in our own towns, we may neverhave seen, to assist those in need. Grassroots level personal service is what Inner Wheel members do.This gives the members immense satisfaction as they work on projects.

Friendship across borders.

 --Friendship across borders. All Inner Wheel activities are pleasant, enjoyable giving an aura ofpositivity and warmth to the member. Whether it be Conferences or entertainment or projects all helpto build relationships. Inner Wheel keeps us smiling.

We become CITIZENS of the WORLD.

 -- Cultural Awareness increases because of our interactionswith members from diverse global backgrounds. Increase in knowledge about all, makes us tolerant andunderstanding, desirous of peace.

Inner Wheel helps to create Leaders of Society.

 -- Members learn to motivate, influence,takeleadership to solve problems. Inner Wheel teaches to work as a TEAM .Working together increasesenthusiasm and strength.


We are an enormous global group of women from diverse backgrounds,countries, races, religions serving the local society with integrity whilebuilding Friendship and International understanding.

Inner Wheel is the worldwide platform where women bond, use theirintelligence, talents, capabilities in the best possible manner to benefitsociety at large.

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