Mamta Gupta, born in the sacred environs of Mathura and Vrindavan, holds a Bachelor of Science degree.Entering the realm of Inner Wheel in 2001, she swiftly ascended to leadership roles, leaving an indeliblemark at every turn.
As President of the IWC of Central Calcuttain 2006-07, Mamta's tenure was characterized byboundless enthusiasm and a relentless pursuit of excellence. She acquired a sprawling 10,000+ sq. ft. landfor her dream project "Apnalay"- a Home for the elderly. Serving as both Secretary and Trust President, sheoversaw the construction of “Apnalay”, now a sanctuary for 24 guests. Her leadership prowess shone throughas the club gained the status of the largest in the district through strategic member’s induction.
Stepping into the role of District Chairman in 2015-16, Mamta's visionary leadership ushered in a new eraof innovation. From releasing a comprehensive history book chronicling the legacy of existing 51 clubs tolaunching the first E-newsletter and E bulletin, her tenure was marked by significant advancements. Themembership drive saw a whopping increase of 198 new members, the formation of 7 new clubs, and theestablishment of Kolkata New Gen Club - the first of its kind. Hosting the 14th Triennial conference wasanother notable achievement. Furthermore, her brainchild project, Manavta, revolutionized sanitation andhygiene by setting up over 100 vending machines for underprivileged women, demonstrating hercommitment to societal welfare.
Mamta's ascendancy continued as she became the first Association Treasurerfrom District 329,meticulously managing financial affairs and filing income tax returns for the Association for the first time.
Her crowning achievement came as the Association President in 2019-20 when she orchestrated theambitious initiative "Mission Mamta,"envisioning an Orphan &Orphanage Free India by 2024. NationalCommission for Protection of Child Rights under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. ofIndia also became a partner of this project. Collaborating with esteemed organizations, Mamta oversaw theadoption of over 600 orphans and foster caring for over 24,000 children, showcasing her unwaveringcommitment to social change. Additionally, 73 new clubs (23 New Gen)were formed, and 6840 newmembers were inducted. Her project, MANAVTA, continued with the distribution of millions of sanitarynapkins, while her initiative to eradicate the use of plastic ensured the distribution of over a million clothbags.
Mamta's tenure as IIW Board Director in 2020-21 was focused on building relationships with clubsscattered globally.
In 2023-24, as IIW Vice-President, Mamta continued to blaze trails, overseeing the formation of newclubs and expanding Inner Wheel's global footprint. Her influence transcended borders, as evidenced by herinstrumental role in establishing a new club in Uganda - East Africa, with 43 members, sponsored by herhome club, further cementing her legacy as a visionary leader with a global perspective.
She has participated in -- 4 IIW conventions held in Copenhagen, Melbourne, India, and Manchester as avoting delegate;4 South Asia Rallies in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh;7 Triennial Conferences,serving as a steward, chief steward, and voting delegate;60th Anniversary Celebration of IW Clubs in India;9 Incoming Chairman’s Institutes as faculty.
Milestones -- She has conceptualized and designed the Special postal covers (Envelopes)with the InnerWheel logo &theme:2014-15 -- first of its kind in the Inner Wheel history, to commemorate the 75thmemorial anniversary of Mrs. Margarete Oliver Golding, the Founder of Inner Wheel;In 2o12, she took partin a painting Competition held at the 15th IIW Convention in Istanbul, Turkey. Her painting won the highestvote and was auctioned during the Gala Dinner to raise the fund for construction of a Primary School in theearthquake-affected area in Eastern Turkey.
Throughout her illustrious 23-year journey with Inner Wheel, Mamta has epitomized resilience, innovation,unwavering dedication, and remarkable service and achievements.