Objectives of Inner Wheel

To promote true friendship

Members of a club meetregularly at meetings,projects and fellowshipevents. Thus, strongfriendships are built and clubsget strengthened. Clubs planinter-club activities, serviceprojects or fellowship get-togethers, where other Clubsare invited to join. Thus thecircle of friends gets larger.Such friendships worktogether to provide greaterservice to the community.

To encourage the ideals of personal service

By working together to servethe local community ourClubs have an outstandingrecord of personal service tothe community. They offerselfless service whether bygiving time and finance,or planning and executingprojects in various ways.

To foster international  understanding

Clubs offer support in timesof crisis to overseas clubs,and charities too. Theypartner in projects and alsosupport International InnerWheel’s service campaigns.Clubs correspond with linkedClubs of other regions andmeet every three years at anInternational Convention.

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