This year, we will breathe life into this commitment through aseries of goals that align with the heartbeat of humanity.
For Inner Wheel to thrive in its second century,membership growth is essential. We must focus onattracting new members, establishing new clubs,creating new districts, and expanding Inner Wheel into newcountries. We can double our membership and ensure the vitalityand longevity of Inner Wheel by a simple formula -- EachMember Bring One New Member.Together, let us embark on this journey of growth.
One of our primary focuses this year will be thecervical cancer vaccination initiative. Cervicalcancer remains a major health issue worldwide, yetit is preventable through vaccination. According to the WorldHealth Organization (WHO), cervical cancer is the fourth mostcommon cancer among women globally, with an estimated570,000 new cases and 311,000 deaths each year. These numbersare staggering, but they also highlight the profound impact wecan make through effective intervention.Globally, there are approximately 170 million girls aged 9-14years who are eligible for the HPV vaccine. Let’s set a target tovaccinate 10 million of girls. By promoting and supportingvaccination programs, we can save countless lives and empowerwomen with the gift of health. The HPV vaccine, which protectsagainst the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer,has been proven to be highly effective. Widespread vaccinationhas the potential to reduce cervical cancer incidence by up to90%.Together, let us collaborate to raise awareness and vaccinateyoung girls specially in underserved areas.
Enhancing our branding and visibility is essentialfor maximizing our impact. Let's use our brand toamplify our message, inspire action, and createlasting change in the world. Key strategies include:
Together, let us be reckoned as a powerful brand.
The creation of Inner Wheel E-Clubs is a forward-thinking strategy that will boost our reach andrelevance. Benefits of Establishing E-Clubs:
E-Clubs will hold the same positions and objectives as existingclubs, with members paying the normal capitation fees. Thisinnovation is a strategic and beneficial development for InnerWheel.Together, let us adopt contemporary lifestyles and technologicaladvancements.
In current world scenarios marred by conflicts, wecan achieve an orphan-free world through adoptionand foster care partnerships with corporations. Let's create asafe world where children's rights are upheld, and they havequality education and healthcare. Investing in children todaybuilds a brighter tomorrowTogether, let us imagine a future where every child is cherished,protected, and empowered to pursue their dreams.
Honouring our seniors enriches us with theirwisdom, resilience, and enduring spirit. Elderly careincludes healthcare, social activities, and companionship. Werecognize the unique challenges they face, like social isolationand emotional well-being.Through partnerships with healthcare providers, communityorganizations, and volunteers, we can provide essentialhealthcare and organize social events to combat loneliness andpromote well-being.Together, let us uphold"Old is Gold" and ensure our elderlyreceive the love, care, and respect they deserve.