Ms. Sunita Jain an Academician, a leader with determination to do her bit, takes over as the 49th President of the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in India in this very special first year of the second century of Inner Wheel.

Born in a very religious and an established Business Family of Gwalior, her humble beginnings are a testimony to her indomitable spirit of ‘Faring Forward’. With a Master’s degree in Science, Research Scholar for a year, left Research work midway, she professed teaching as her career. She is currently heading a Senior Secondary CBSE School at Gwalior very efficiently.

A proud grandmother of three granddaughters and a mother of two lovely daughters, she never fails to fulfill her responsibility in either of the roles. Her rock support, her husband Rotarian Abhay Jain, was the most influential man in her life, who constantly persevered and encouraged her to pursue her dreams.

Her journey of associating herself with Inner Wheel began in 1995, wherein she was inducted as a member of Inner Wheel Club of Gwalior. Not complacent, she strove to do something really remarkable in the field of ‘Social Welfare’. Driven by this desire, took up as Club President in 2010 and entered the district in 2013 as District Editor. She became the District Chairman of 305, in 2017 –18. Her contribution has been immense in expanding and enriching the district adding five New Clubs and giving 76 happy Schools.

A great visionary, she worked for the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society, extending education to orphans, differently enabled, catering to the needs of the leper homes, old homes, women empowerment, granting vocational skills, providing literacy to the rural women and many more. Played a Stellar role in imparting free education to children of weaker section of the society and slums .

Attended five Triennials and three Conventions as Voting delegate, On the International level, Ms. Sunita Jain represented India, at the International Inner Wheel Rally at Istanbul, as a speaker.Shared her thoughts and ideas on Membership Retention in the Seminar at Manchester Convention.

Loaded with leadership qualities, she is a Lady with her crystal-clear goals, an excellent orator, a bedrock of optimism, possessing an unbeatable desire to give back to the society, has created infinite opportunities for a whole lot of people around her.

She is the Chair Person of Principals Association of CBSE Schools SAHODAYA, Gwalior Chapter. Advisory for various Educational Organizations and Societies. Member of various social organizations ………

Life Member of Narayan Sewa Sansthan, Andhashram and Helpage India.
Regular member of Red Cross society, Ahsaas, Spit Free India and Chouraha Shikska .

With a great many Awards and Recognitions to her name, she works silently yet igniting minds and hearts of people around with positive thoughts.

Never to quit and find a way through dead ends

If you can't fly then run,
if you can't run then walk,
if you can't walk then crawl,
but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.


About Sunita Jain
Sunita Jain's Maiden Speech
Flag parade



Dear Inner Wheel friends,

As the National President of Inner Wheel clubs in India I am honoured to work together with all members to build a stronger Inner Wheel community . Together we will uplift and inspire creating positive changes in our local community and beyond.

Let's embrace this collective journey with enthusiasm and dedication knowing that our efforts will strengthen Inner Wheel in India and contribute to the Global Inner Wheel family.

Together let's leave a lasting legacy of love, kindness and compassion. Dear friends enjoy your year in office and lead your club to great success. Your dedication will inspire other members to participate actively and passionately.

"Realise your visions and make a difference."

Enjoy the satisfaction of giving and receiving.

Join me as we create a brighter future for all. Let’s continue to open the magic box of Inner Wheel and create a world filled with friendship, service and understanding.

Celebrate life,

Celebrate Inner Wheel !!!!

yours in Friendship

Sunita Jain

Association President and National Representative 24-25

Dear District Chairman/ Fellow IW members,

At the outset let me congratulate you and all leaders in the District and Clubs for taking over the leadership mantle at this most exciting time in the Inner Wheel calendar. Inner Wheel year 2024-25 is a historic year as it is the first year of the new century where you will be writing the first chapter as District Chairman.

Let the leadership be built on the value of integrity and ethics to ensure that you make a difference and set an example for the year ahead. Be a team player as together we can always achieve more.

Our success lies in touching more lives and making a difference. Let’s be the harbingers of change. A change from the past to a change to the future and the better.

Let us do all that we need to improve our public image. Let the world be told of the good that we do to give a ray of hope for a better tomorrow to so many whose lives we touch. Lets eschew the “I” and truly serve together as a team to build better future for our Clubs, Districts and our organizations. Get set to embark on a journey of a lifetime, an opportunity not to be missed and display your leadership with humility and simplicity.

Combined with Inner Wheel’s core values of friendship, Personal service and International understanding I believe integrity, diversity and leadership to be the Inner Wheel masterplan for the future.

I look forward to us working together Celebrating Life, Celebrating Inner Wheel to ensure the continued success for our great organization. I am sure you will enjoy and take pride in being at the helm of your prestigious District.

God bless you.

Wish you a happening Inner Wheel year ahead !!!!!

With Warm greetings

Sunita Jain

Association President & National Representative  2024-25

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